Dear friends!
Yesterday we sent out a newsletter to those of you who have subscribed for it, and we felt we wanted to share its contents here in the journal as well. If you want to sign up for the newsletter you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of our website, there is a little box where you can leave your Email address. We promise not to spam.
How to begin? Times are strange. There, I've begun.
This Email is a response to all messages and calls we have received from friends and customers asking how we are doing as a store in these weird days. First of all a big and heartfelt thanks to you guys, you brighten our days and your support means so much to us! We don't need to point out that the coming months will be trying for everyone, and Second Sunrise is no exception. However we want to let you know that Second Sunrise isn't facing ruin any time soon. We dont have big loans or lots of expensive staff, and here in Sweden we are still allowed to have the store open. Our plan is to do so for the time being. This might of course change, and if it does we will try to make the best of it.
Of course, we can't see this one out without your support. We are especially thankful to have a webshop these days, and that meme saying "When you shop with a small company an actual person does a little happy dance" has never been more true. Our webshop app plays a little "ka-ching" chime every time an order is placed, and right now that is a sound that means that someone thought of us and want us to stay in business. As far as we know shipping is working pretty much as usual in most parts of the world, albeit it might be a bit slower. In a phase of panic we looked up the possibility of spreading the virus through shipped goods, but there seems not to be any risk of that. Naturally we will keep strict hygiene routines
Yesterday we sent out a newsletter to those of you who have subscribed for it, and we felt we wanted to share its contents here in the journal as well. If you want to sign up for the newsletter you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of our website, there is a little box where you can leave your Email address. We promise not to spam.
How to begin? Times are strange. There, I've begun.
This Email is a response to all messages and calls we have received from friends and customers asking how we are doing as a store in these weird days. First of all a big and heartfelt thanks to you guys, you brighten our days and your support means so much to us! We don't need to point out that the coming months will be trying for everyone, and Second Sunrise is no exception. However we want to let you know that Second Sunrise isn't facing ruin any time soon. We dont have big loans or lots of expensive staff, and here in Sweden we are still allowed to have the store open. Our plan is to do so for the time being. This might of course change, and if it does we will try to make the best of it.
Of course, we can't see this one out without your support. We are especially thankful to have a webshop these days, and that meme saying "When you shop with a small company an actual person does a little happy dance" has never been more true. Our webshop app plays a little "ka-ching" chime every time an order is placed, and right now that is a sound that means that someone thought of us and want us to stay in business. As far as we know shipping is working pretty much as usual in most parts of the world, albeit it might be a bit slower. In a phase of panic we looked up the possibility of spreading the virus through shipped goods, but there seems not to be any risk of that. Naturally we will keep strict hygiene routines
when packing your orders just in case!

As the days grew calmer last week we decided to go ahead with a re-arranging plan we've had for a long time. Our shoe display wall was way overdue for a touch-up and Douglas gave the copper panelling a new look using sandpaper and a drilling machine. Some new shelves were bought and we are quite pleased with the result! As it looks like we will have a lot of time on our hands in the future we will probably renovate the entire store before this is over.
We usually add news of our latest products and classes in our newsletters, but that just seems inappropriate today. We have some plans for goods that might be appreciated during long days at home but we'll tell you about that later!
Until then, please take care and stay safe. Please don't hesitate to send us an Email or call us if you have any questions or ideas on how to make this time more bearable, no matter how silly they may be.
Lots of love // Kerstin and Douglas
As the days grew calmer last week we decided to go ahead with a re-arranging plan we've had for a long time. Our shoe display wall was way overdue for a touch-up and Douglas gave the copper panelling a new look using sandpaper and a drilling machine. Some new shelves were bought and we are quite pleased with the result! As it looks like we will have a lot of time on our hands in the future we will probably renovate the entire store before this is over.
We usually add news of our latest products and classes in our newsletters, but that just seems inappropriate today. We have some plans for goods that might be appreciated during long days at home but we'll tell you about that later!
Until then, please take care and stay safe. Please don't hesitate to send us an Email or call us if you have any questions or ideas on how to make this time more bearable, no matter how silly they may be.
Lots of love // Kerstin and Douglas