Second Life – Repair Service
We all know the feeling; our favourite jeans or jacket is falling apart after years and years of heavy usage. All that time of breaking them in, and all the memories in them down the drain. But don´t lose hope, we can fix them! Bring them to us and we´ll give your favourite garment a second life.
We believe in sustainability and we are happy to take care of your worn out jeans. It's good for the environment as well as for your wallet. Not to mention the feeling of having rescued a doomed pair of jeans for another stretch of years.
In our store we have all the machines needed to make a pair of jeans, which means we can easily fix your favourite ones. Just stop by with your jeans and we will make them – if not new again – at least ready for another round.
If you don't have the opportunity to stop by the store you are more than welcome to send the garment to us. Send us an email at and we will get back to you with instructions as soon as possible.
We focus on denim repair because that's our home turf, but if you need help mending something else please don't hesitate to ask us. If we for some reason cannot fix your request, we will be happy to point you in the right direction.
Please note: make sure your jeans are freshly washed before mending.
• Mendings – from 350 SEK
• Tapering a pair of jeans – 500 SEK *
• Replacing a button – 100 SEK
• Replacing a rivet – 100 SEK
• Attaching buttons for suspenders – 250 SEK
• Lock stitch hemming on jeans – 300 SEK
• Hemming with chain stich – 350 SEK **
•Hemming chinos - 350 SEK
If you want a hand-sewn repair, please tell us and we can discuss styles and pricing!
We don’t change the width of the waist on jeans. We also do not repair stretchy jeans, for the reason that these usually crack right next to the repair.
Current waiting time for mending is approximately two-three weeks. We will contact you when the repair is done. If not picked up withing three months after we first contacted you we will try to contact you one last time before getting rid of your jeans.
Please note: pick up your jeans within three months
*Up to around five cm/leg
**Our old machine can´t sew thicker than 18 oz
For other questions please contact us and we will be happy to help you out.